Most people with mild depression will have these six "mantras". I hope you haven't said any of them.

Most people with mild depression will have these six "mantras". I hope you haven't said any of them.

Although the world is not perfect, there is always someone to protect you.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

The strong heal themselves, but the weak sell badly

The strong heal themselves, but the weak sell badly

Self-healing is the survival skill that everyone should practice well.
These three kinds of couples will divorce sooner or later. Look, I hope there is no you.

These three kinds of couples will divorce sooner or later. Look, I hope there is no you.

Those who really love you will always want to see a happy you.
Don't take other people's rulers and measure your own life.

Don't take other people's rulers and measure your own life.

Living like yourself is your best gift to life.
Zhang Songwen: playing "the Storm" is what I regret most.

Zhang Songwen: playing "the Storm" is what I regret most.

In this impetuous vanity fair, few people are willing to precipitate.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Be your best self
Let yourself go (good text in depth)

Let yourself go (good text in depth)

The best cure in life is to let yourself go and learn to let go.
Your emotional value is a kind of top kindness.

Your emotional value is a kind of top kindness.

People who can provide emotional value are often kind people.
Hidden social rules for adults: only screening, not education

Hidden social rules for adults: only screening, not education

Changing others is a kind of internal friction, changing yourself is a kind of growth.